Workers’ Compensation and Physical Therapy

At Clear Lake Physical Therapy and Rehab Specialists (CLPTRS) we are certainly known for providing physical therapy to our patients before or after surgery or because of an accident, or athletic training services after a sport-related injury. But did you know that we also work with a variety of local businesses?
CLPTRS is a destination clinic for management and treatment of the injured worker. We have made this part of our practice an added part of education and training for all of our provider staff for best practices and industry support. One of CLPTRS’s goals in treating our community members is to help local businesses reduce the costs incurred through injury prevention programs and return any injured workers back to employment in a safe and timely manner. We call this Industrial Rehab.
A big part of Industrial Rehab is caring for those injured on the job. Workers’ compensation patients are one of the many demographics of patients we serve at CLPTRS.
Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system designed to provide benefits to employees who are injured or become ill because of their employment activities. Businesses purchase workers’ compensation insurance and provide wage replacement and medical benefits to employees.
February 3rd, the CLPTRS staff had an all-day training session on how our physical therapist and athletic trainer can best serve those injured on the job. The training was conducted by OccuPro, a software company that CLPTRS uses.
OccuPro is a company that has developed software specifically for physical therapists and athletic trainers that treat those with workplace injuries. Their technology provides CLPTRS with aspects of patient care we need, such as return-to-work reports, programs to bill insurance companies, a network of locations that perform pre-employment testing, and injury prevention software.
Presented by Jim Mecham from OccuPro, our staff went through the course with physical therapists from Optimum Therapies, a PT provider with four offices in our surrounding communities.
During the training, our staff learned about the best ways to manage workers’ compensation cases. At CLPTRS, we take pride in being a leader in the area on ways to best manage this demographic. We place a top priority on working closely with both the patient, their physician, and the employer. This “teamwork” style of care is necessary to return injured employees to work as quickly and safely as possible. This benefits both the employee and the employer.
Through our Industrial Rehab services, we give employers the tools to keep their workforce healthy and safe. And we give employees tools to know how to remain safe and healthy on the job.
Please call us at 715-263-4103 if you are an employer who needs information or education on the following areas: on-site safety and injury prevention, on-location ergonomic assessments, post-offer/pre-employment testing and drug testing, early intervention rehabilitation.