Physical Therapy Can Bring Relief When Flip-Flops Cause Pain

Even though the calendar says it’s August and summer is winding down, we still have a long time before cold weather settles into Western Wisconsin. Until it’s time to pull out the winter boots, many people continue to wear flip-flops and sandals.
We all love the feeling of freedom that flip-flops and sandals offer during the warm months. But did you know the wrong choice of shoes can lead to foot pain and discomfort? Fear not, though, as physical therapy from Clear Lake Physical Therapy and Rehab Specialists (CLPTRS) might hold the key to finding relief and making the most of these last few warm weeks.
How do flip-flops affect our bodies? As we walk, our feet naturally help distribute impact and maintain our balance. However, flip-flops offer minimal support, throwing off our body’s natural alignment. Over time, this can lead to stress and strain on various parts of our feet, legs, and back. Flip-flops tend to have flat, thin soles and lack arch support. Which can lead to plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, knee pain, and back pain. But don’t despair as physical therapy has proven to be an effective remedy.
Let’s look at how physical therapy at CLPTRS can come to the rescue and help ease the pain caused by these flimsy summer fashion staples.
Our physical therapists are well-versed in designing exercises that target specific muscles affected by flip-flop use. These exercises help strengthen the foot, ankle, and leg muscles, providing the support needed to combat the strain from wearing sandals.
We can also teach patients stretching exercises that promote flexibility in calf muscles and the plantar fascia. This reduces the risk of injuries caused by insufficient footwear.
One of the greatest benefits of physical therapy is the personalized approach. Our skilled therapists can conduct a biomechanical analysis of your walking and standing patterns, identifying any issues. By understanding your unique mechanics, we can tailor a treatment plan that targets your specific needs.
While we adore the ease and style of these summer icons, flip-flops can bring unwanted pain and discomfort. Thankfully, physical therapy offers a holistic approach to counter the negative effects of wearing them too much.
Remember, it’s essential to listen to your body. So, if you’re experiencing pain, whether it’s from your choice of footwear or something else, please call CLPTRS to schedule a consultation. You do not need a doctor’s recommendation or referral to see us. The phone number of our Clear Lake location is 715-263-4103. If you call and live closer to one of our other locations, we would be happy to help you schedule an appointment at one of our clinics in Amery, Turtle Lake, or Prairie Farm.